Bertie's Mood

Always Critical and Never Superficial

JCIKH Bal Burlesque

To honor its 35 years of existence, the Jaycees of Knokke-Heist organized a splendid party in the world-renowned Casino of Knokke Saturday May 21, 2011.

The evening started with a gala-style outdoor reception, followed by a Walking Dinner inside the casino where new members as well as founding members exchanged experiences and anecdotes accompanied by a live Jazz-band. From 11pm the party got really on its way with a Burlesque performance by dancers of Rose De Leyn. King Jazz gave a live concert and DJ Nicolas Decoster guided the dancing crowd with a splendid mix into the night.

I had the honor to design Posters, Flyers, Entry Tickets and Party Booklet alike. Truly an honor, considering JCI has been the driving force behind many local (social) initiatives during the past decades.

  • As part of the celebrations, the JCIKH logo got a festive (temporary) new design. Young, colorful and vivid, the design accompanying the event resembles the true Jaycee-style: direct while classy and modern.
  • The casino, once an emblem of the city’s splendor and grandeur, was integrated into the background of the design.
  • The girls complete flyers, posters and entry tickets and tease the target audience into attending the Bal Burlesque.

More information on JCI Knokke-Heist and Jaycees:
JCI Knokke-Heist: (no longer available)
Junior Chamber International:


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