Author: bertie
Así será 2017: la pobreza intelectual se consolida
2017, desde mi realidad. Habló en 1939 Frida Kahlo de los artistas franceses durante su estancia en palabras no muy halagadoras. En una de sus cartas a su amante Nickolas Muray, escribe “It was worthwhile to come here only to see why Europe is rottening, why all this people – good for nothing – are…
Kafka, voor een leefbaar Vilvoorde!
Toen ik in 2014 in Vilvoorde kwam wonen, vond ik er een aangenaam en bij wijlen drukke Leuvensestraat terug. De winkelstraat zou mijn thuis worden en ik vond het er best gezellig. Winkels dichtbij, niet te ver van het station, op een boogscheut van Brussel en makkelijk bereikbaar met de wagen. “Je kan hier op…
To Garrison Keiller: For the good times.
“From Minnesota Public Radio”. Four stubborn words introduced me in a gentle but elegant way to A Prairie Home Companion. Even before I knew its name or its origin, the Tishomingo Blues took me on a long journey I never imagined it would or even could. Without it, I would never have undertaken my venture…
Brexit: a mediocre catch-22
How more surrealist can it ever get? Dining in the Red Fort in Vilvoorde, a city north of Brussels, is always a special and delicious experience. What used to be an old Flemish pub, or “café” in Flemish, now harbors a menu is refined and extensively Indian. The food is hot, the ingredients fresh and…
On Greece…
Never have I seen so much disinformation during, before and after the news. If a country is unable to repay its debt, it defaults. There is no emotion to this, it is pure finance. Greece cooked its books, falsified government financial information and went on a spending spree instead of investing in its economy. What…
The South 2015: Tuesday March 31st 2015: Lithonia, GA
As you drive into Lithonia, very few clues are there to convince you this is much more than a commuter town. A Wal-Mart ungraciously displays it presence and it is joined in its omnipresence by every brand of fuel or motor oil known in America as I am leaving the East Expressway. Tucked away in…
The South 2015: Monday March 30th, 2015. Brussels – Atlanta, GA.
Have ever noticed that the week before your vacation is often the busiest and more important week at work? All of a sudden everybody needs you, you are deemed irreplaceable and “who is going to do all the work while you’re gone?” is asked more than once during the daily coffee breaks leading up to…
The South 2015: chronicles of the unexpected
Only so few times in a lifetime you take on a journey where you feel a chronicler and an explorer like Pedro Cieza de Leon. Open, inquisitive and with respect for local culture he wrote down his observations of what was then Peru. Not that I am about to detail an expedition with reports of…
Chiang Mai: Happy New Year!
January 2nd, 2014, writing from Chiang Mai. When last year in my hometown a true Thai festival -under the patronage of the Thai ambassador- was organized, I was impressed and amazed by the entrepreneurial spirit and managerial skills exhibited by the Thai women present. If not surprised at the number of Thai currently living in…
Travellog: Amphawa, a way of life.
December 21st, 2013, writing at San Sook Guestplace, Ayuthaya. In this economy, it’s all about “experiences” and less about goods. These are not my words, but those of a close personal friend and entrepreneur. I believe he is right. We love, live by and are constantly seeking trusted and new experiences alike. One recent experience…