Category: Actions
10 points to help you preparing for the SAP certification.
Last month I passed what is called the “SAP Certification” for the Materials Management part of SAP. From my (humble) experience, here are 10 rules that will help you get there. 1. Expect the worst but do not fear. “You must do the things you think you cannot do”. Avoid consultants trying to impress you…
Otra vez: RESA y América Latina
Si consideran mi entrada anterior que trata de RESA (RESA: Vivir en 14m² sin privacidad y con régimen de cárcel), escrita hace un año cuando todavía residía en la Residencia Giner de los Ríos, y los comentarios escritos posteriores por antiguos residentes y empleados (o sea, clientes), se dará cuenta que no trato mucho “el…
Vanavond kwam mijn zus aan in Madrid. Ze had niemand opgebeld; ik heb haar (uiteindelijk) omstreeks 23 uur opgebeld. Haar eerste woorden klonken zonder veel moed. “Goed”. Dat was het. “Gaat wel”. Na wat vragen, kom je dan wel iets te weten. Maar tussen het gesprek door dacht ik terug aan mijn ervaring in Madrid.…
Buscar empleo: Un ejemplo más
Hoy postulé para un puesto con una famoso agencia de comunicaciones de España. Al remitir mi currículo a través de, me llegó este correo, sumamente ejemplo de una comunicación personalizada: [hoy] Estimado [nombre] [apellidos], Gracias por enviarnos su cv para el puesto de [Título del puesto]. Analizaremos su candidatura y si encaja en el puesto nos pondremos…
First class: Bert as Professor
Last Friday I made my debut as professor 🙂 I was invited to give a seminar at my alma mater, completely in Spanish. The seminar titled “España, entre Europa y América: más allá de los mitos.” gave students a new perspective on Spain and the Spanish economy from an European and International perspective. At the same time…
It’s Not Lonely at the Top, just very very Exclusive.
[Sent in as a part of the Peter Martin Fellowship – Financial Times] With this catch phrase a stylish two-page ad promotes the yet-to-be-stylish apartments located at One Madison Square (NY). With almost all apartments sold, the estimated $44 million penthouse is set to break any record. Among the many celebrities apparently discovering New York…
I didn’t think I would ever hear again from my now famous La Europa que no existe article I wrote a couple of months ago. How wrong could I be. Famous, that is, in Colombia. The Article was published by RedCamaleon, a Colombian magazine oriented towards university students. My first steps into first class journalism 🙂
My first (Ad)Venture
This entry could be really short, or said differently, my (ad)venture turned out to be very short. After getting up at 5:30 in the morning and a lonely trip to Brussels, I reported to the front desk around 8:30am (just in time for my appointment). Responding to what seemed like a personal invitation from one…