Author: bertie
Review: “Managing Organizational Change during SAP Implementations” door Luc Galoppin en Siegfried Caems
Change Management gaat over mensen; ingewikkelder nog: het is het punt waar mens en machine samenkomen om tot een nieuwe manier van werken te komen. Samen met Siegfried Caems, Project Consultant en Manager, neemt Luc Galoppin, als Change Manager, dit zeer serieus.
Jeremiah de Saint-Amour
Los había cumplido, en efecto, el 23 de enero de ese año, y entonces había fijado como plazo último la víspera de Pentecostés, que era la fiesta mayor de la ciudad consagrada al culto del Espíritu Santo.
First class: Bert as Professor (II)
As a part of the “Doing Business with South America”, I gave three seminars (in Spanish!!!) at my former University (EHSAL). It was the second time I was invited to teach future business leaders on Latin America. It was a very enriching experience and I enjoyed it very much. First hand I experienced that a…
Jobs and Education
You keep hearing that society’s greatest tasks are educating people and getting them jobs. That’s great. Two things people hate to do: go to school and go to work. –George Carlin.
Los árboles que dibujan la frontera del camino esconden el pasado griz ya no más pronunciado. Aquí la historia luchó contra el olvido del libro escolar. Aquí el pasado lucha contra la historia hasta perder la esperanza del futuro. Aquí testigos medievales pasean por las ciudades eternas. Aquí la libertad se aplasta bajo los pilares…
La Originalidad
“No concebimos el perfeccionamiento social como un producto de la uniformidad de todos los individuos, sino como la combinación armónica de originalidades incesantemente multiplicadas. Todos los enemigos de la diferenciación vienen a serlo del progreso; es natural, por ende, que consideren la originalidad como un defecto imperdonable. Los que tal sentencian inclínanse a confundir el…
Siesta de la tormenta
Murió, como un niño, el hijo de tu loco corazón y mi loco corazón. (¡Ay nuestro amor!) No sé si ríes o lloras mirando muerto tu amor, mirando muerto mi amor. (¡Ay nuestro amor!) Yo siento como si muertos estuviéramos tú y yo, estuviéramos los dos. Juan Ramón Jiménez
The President as Change Manager.
In Change Management, part of the most difficult tasks is to have all stakeholders, groups or even “couplings” within an institution or company to think alike. If managing a company is already a daunting task, imagine how difficult it is to only change certain aspects of day-to-day operations of big enterprises. As you might know,…
10 points to help you preparing for the SAP certification.
Last month I passed what is called the “SAP Certification” for the Materials Management part of SAP. From my (humble) experience, here are 10 rules that will help you get there. 1. Expect the worst but do not fear. “You must do the things you think you cannot do”. Avoid consultants trying to impress you…
Lost your job in the City?
About a month ago I found an ad in the Financial Times aimed at former brokers, presumably now wannabe writers. Unstylish but conveniently located next to the “Best Books of 2008”, I found it ackward that a “best-selling author who has published more than 20 best-sellers” would offer his services in such a way. Yes, for a…