Tag: Luc Gallopin
Change Management is all about people – a review of “Managing Organizational Change during SAP Implementations” by Luc Galoppin and Siegfried Caems
Change Management is all about people – that is, it´s the point where man and machine cross each other to establish new ways of getting things done. Siegfried Caems and Luc Galoppin take this very seriously. While analyzing the original idea, the design and the future implementation, both authors look at SAP implementation from different…
Review: “Managing Organizational Change during SAP Implementations” door Luc Galoppin en Siegfried Caems
Change Management gaat over mensen; ingewikkelder nog: het is het punt waar mens en machine samenkomen om tot een nieuwe manier van werken te komen. Samen met Siegfried Caems, Project Consultant en Manager, neemt Luc Galoppin, als Change Manager, dit zeer serieus.